Wednesday, February 25, 2009

He Stands!

I guess I gape at him with my mouth open all the time...Who knew?
Keet loves to stand, and is quite strong.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Days grow longer

The days are so bright now, we are officially out of the dark! Sunset is around 6:30 or so now, and it's light around 7ish now. Life in Alaska certainly requires a new approach as a mom.

Here we are on a couple of walks. What to do in the woods when baby is hungry? Feed him.

Speaking of Walk, Keet is not happy lying around anymore. He wants to be on his feet! He'll pull himself up to standing (if you help a bit) and is just so proud to be upright!

He's getting stronger and stronger all the time. Our days are pretty busy. We end up spending a bit of time at the University of Alaska Fairbanks every day. Da-ka's back in the art building now that the renovation is complete, so Keet mostly hangs out over there. My office is just around the corner, so sometimes we take a booby break.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Keet at 3 Months Playing with Rattle

It's my birthday (33) and Keet is officially 12 weeks old today too. He was actually conceived on my birthday last year, so it's his creation day as well. Hard to believe how much life has changed in the past year!

He's begun to imitate sounds (Ah and Ou are his favorites). Maybe some video of that eventually.

I got the floors clean today. An accomplishment for any birthday girl. Then we went for a swim.
Keet did great swimming. He's typically so chatty and expressive at home, but at the pool he's quiet and very observant.