Saturday, March 28, 2009

My first Trip

Sorry for the long delay in posting! It's amazing how much can happen in a month.

For Spring Break we went as a family down to Anchorage and Juneau. Mama was presenting her film at a conference and Dada was getting ready for his Solo Show at the State Museum in Juneau. I went along for the ride. One real treat was getting to meet my GREAT GRANDMOTHER, Anita McNeil in Anchorage.
She gave me my name Xhe-Dhe.
Here I am with 4 generations of my family, Dada (Da-ka-xeen Mehner), Akka (Shirley Tuzroyluke), Great-Grandma (Anita McNeil).

I also got to meet some of my cousins, great-aunts, and uncles. Here I am with cousin, Taj.

Left to right, Maya, Keet, Farrel, Taj, and Yeil. Thier grandma, my Great-Aunt Margaret.
Then in Juneau I got to meet my GREAT GRANDFATHER, Chris McNeil. Great Grandpa is a fisherman. He was born on the Canada side, and really Nishga'a (not Tshimshian as Dad's CIB card says). Great Grandpa (Dada-dada-dada-Da) showed us a map of where the family land is, at the headwaters of the Nass River near Observation Point.

Great-Aunt PattyMom and Patty's daughter, Jessica.

It was a great trip, I flew like had the genes of a trip isn't planned until August, when I'll get to go to New Mexico to see the other side of the family! Should be a fun trip, by then I'll probably know how to crawl and will want to!