Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Camera

Video again...

I'm testing out this new camera, and of course, Keet gets the first exposure to it. What a lovey boy! Even with a wide angle lens that makes him seem rounder than he really is in his extreme close up. He's almost 8 months, and is changing all the time. Can you see the teeth?

We've had a bit of nursing drama. I yellped and he cried. We both were afraid to continue there for a moment. I realized after the first bite that it was a question of mutual trust. We got through that. I trust his baby instincts very much, he's a very smart baby.

This past weekend was a blast. We spent time with "Auntie MacKiki," visiting from San Francisco. For the 4th we went to ever amusing left-wing theatrical 4th of July Ester Parade where a mock Sarah Palin marched amid signs saying "Hockey Mom - Get the Puck Out!"

After enjoying the 20 minute parade we joined in at the community picnic, and afterwards went for a dip in the Chena Lake with friends.

Keet walked (assisted with two fingers) straight into the water about waist deep. Brave soul.

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