Sunday, April 18, 2010

Visit with Papa Perro

It was an amazingly wonderful weekend to have my dad, "Papa Perro" here in Fairbanks. Four days is too short! Dad arrived late Wednesday night, and the next morning Keet warmed up to him in about 4 minutes. They spent all of Thursday together as Da-ka and I had to work. Friday was a part work/part play day for me, and Keet and Papa Perro tooled around with me on errands, at the U, and other fun stuff. We ended the day at the F.E. Gold Camp with Beth and Denny (Da-ka's folks) for dinner. Keet was in love with their old dog there at the gold camp, but was given a firm reprimand by the dog which I thought was a bite through his lip! Fortunately, Keet had only been snapped at, and the supposed blood I saw was just rasberry goo still in his teeth from moments before. Thank you angels!

Saturday we went to Chena Hot Springs, and had a generally lovely time. A visiting artist, Marcos Rameriez from Mexico joined us, and the weather was perfect.

Today was brunch with Denny (Beth is under the weather) and a mellow day in general. Poor Keet seems to have gotten a rash, maybe from the springs? I'm watching it, so that's kept me on my toes today. It's always something!

Keet started saying "Papa" almost immediately. Must be one of those "easy" things to say - like dada and mama. He kept asking for "Papa hahaha" his way of panting like a dog. So cute!

So wonderful to have my own family close. Nothing replaces that bond. As much as I love Alaska, I will always hate being far from my family as Home.

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